did_u_hear_a_color.txt Michael Nisi, 2003-03-09 http://www.microsound.org/pi http://www.michaelnisi.com/audio/did_u_hear_a_color input: 10.000 digits of PI output: nisi_didUHearAColor_128k.mp3, did_u_hear_a_color.gif additional: pi10000.txt, pi.as software: macromedia flash mx, code genie, coagula light intention: my aim was to translate the first 10.000 digits of pi into a stream of informative audio. process: i decided to visualize the number first and make it audible in the second step. i converted the 10.000 digits into a string, which i fed into a 2-dimensional array with 2000 rows and 5 colomns. each colomn of 5 digits would describe one unit (sound) with the following parameters: vertical position (frequency), width (length), height (range), red (left) and green (right). the horizontal position (time) is described by the index number of the individual digit. to get some scale and layering i multiplied x and width with PI raised to 2. after loading the resulting image into coagula light i rendered a wav at 48kHz with no further editing. for a clearer documentation i've provided a .gif of the resulting image with additional information. title construction: did u hear a color = 3__ 1 4___ 1 _____ finito -- listen closely, track the digits.